acc ministries

ACC is committed to being a caring community that models Jesus' life, helps people grow and feel valued, and impacts our world.

We have a variety of ministries, many of which are listed below, to help us accomplish all this. These ministries also offer people a chance to learn the power of helping others.  

Everyone at ACC is encouraged to find a place to serve that fits their abilities and interests.

  • Care ministry

    The Care Ministry seeks to express the love of Christ in concrete ways to those who are a part of our church family. Help is available for various needs using members of our church family and their abilities, gifts, and resources. 

  • Hospitality Ministry

    The Hospitality Ministry plans and coordinates various events that help people build new friendships within our church family.  These "family ties" enrich our lives, provide new experiences, teach us new things, encourage us and support us through good times and difficult times.

  • outreach / evangelism ministry

    The Outreach Ministry Team coordinates efforts to let the communities of Anoka County know about our church, and to influence those far from God to meet Him and accept Him as their Heavenly Father.  The team also offers various training and resources to prepare everyone at ACC to effectively share their faith and introduce others to Jesus Christ.

  • prayer ministry

    The Prayer Ministry Team is focused on helping everyone attending ACC understand what prayer is and how important it is for our relationship with God. The team also conducts weekly prayer programs as well as annual prayer events that are designed to help our congregation be a church that is strong in prayer.


    The Property Ministry Team is responsible for all the physical resources God has given our congregation. These physical resources are tools used by all ministry teams, so the Property Team is a vital support and service ministry helping to make it possible for lives to be touched and changed.

  • worship ministry

    The Worship Ministry's goal is to help everyone draw closer to God, aid in their spiritual growth, and help ACC reach out to the community.  The Worship Ministry plans and conducts our weekly worship services as well as special events using music, drama, and other media.

  • servant development ministry

    The Servant Development Ministry helps our congregation learn about the benefits that come to those who serve others. Through training, resources, and communication, the team helps others discover how they can use their abilities, interests and gifts to serve others; linking everyone interested in serving with the appropriate ministry team here at ACC.

  • discipleship/adult education ministry

    The Discipleship/Adult Education Ministry Team plans adult classes offered at ACC for Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, as well as seminars and retreats. Our goal is for every one to mature as a follower of Jesus Christ as they develop both Bible knowledge and skills for Christian living.