ACC small groups

Small groups are an essential part of the mission of Andover Christian Church. In our goal to create a church that is a healthy example of the family of God, small groups help develop the connections and friendships that are vital for understanding God and His love.

If you are interested in small groups, there are a few ways to join! First, is to come to our Wednesday Nights at ACC. There are separate groups for men and women. This is the easiest way to test the small group waters. Secondly, there are multiple groups that meet on different days and in different settings, such as the church or homes. We have groups for different stages of life (grown kids - young kids) as well as for whatever season you’re in (long time believer or new to faith). If you are interested in checking one of these groups out please fill out the form below. 

We will help place you in the group that makes the most sense!

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